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Gastrofest......or GastroYES?

Gastrofest 2017

Location: Hemming Plaza

5 out of 5 bites

Here's a little known secret, there ARE plenty of fun things to do in Jacksonville. I know, SHOCKING RIGHT?!? One of the newer things, and absolutely enjoyable events is the Gastrofest. The Gastofest is this open event in downtown Jacksonville's Hemming Plaza. It's about what's local; local restaurants that source local food from local farms. There are also local breweries, and local artist performing.....Jacksonville is all about the local.

I love it because I get to sample great food and beer! Small dishes are offered at a price range of $1- $3. This years Gastrofest didn't disappoint! Lets get started shall we?

First up is Perfect Pair Catering Company. I've experienced Perfect Pair before and was blow away the first time. This time they offered 3 different choices: Short Ribs Mac n' Cheese, Savory Jalenpeno Cheesecake and a Key Lime Tart.

Perfect Pair catering

Seems simple enough right....wrong! This is a list of flavor bombs!

Let me tell you something.....that short ribs mac n' LIFE CHANGING! Kinda like the first time you heard your favorite artist sing your favorite song for the first time. This was my 'Bad Romance', my 'PYT', my.....'Formation'. Don't get me wrong the jalepeno cheesecake was very savory. The spice of the jalenpeno doesn't hit you over the head. The bacon crumble was the perfect compliment. Also the key lime tart had a jalenpeno mousse, which was a great counter to the sweetness of the tart. How much did I enjoy Perfect Pair? You be the judge....

all gone!

I also sampled from Native Sun, Congree & Penn Farms, Little Black Box Baked Goods, Black Sheep, Bellwhether(Opening April 2017), Ibex Ethiopian Kitchen and Ovinte. While I can't eat and drink all the great breweries, restaurants and distilleries....I certainly tried. Check out the other plates of the event below.

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